Microsoft, hackeada.
Hace escasas horas Microsoft confirma que han sido hackeados equipos de su red corporativa. Al parecer con el mismo método que fueron Apple, Twitter y Facebook. La vulnerabilidad Java que ya publicamos en nuestro blog.
Una vez más se demuestra que ni los gigantes de las nuevas tecnologías y la innovación se libran de las vulnerabilidad informáticas. Ahora Microsoft, hackeada es una prueba.
Por ello, insistimos desde ACONSA y nuestro blog corporativo en la importancia de poner los medios oportunos para saber defenderse y reducir el daño de estas intrusiones o evitarlas en gran parte.
Os dejamos la nota oficial de Microsoft desde su página:
As reported by Facebook and Apple, Microsoft can confirm that we also recently experienced a similar security intrusion.
Consistent with our security response practices, we chose not to make a statement during the initial information gathering process. During our investigation, we found a small number of computers, including some in our Mac business unit, that were infected by malicious software using techniques similar to those documented by other organizations. We have no evidence of customer data being affected and our investigation is ongoing.
This type of cyberattack is no surprise to Microsoft and other companies that must grapple with determined and persistent adversaries (see our prior analysis of emerging threat trends). We continually re-evaluate our security posture and deploy additional people, processes, and technologies as necessary to help prevent future unauthorized access to our networks.
Matt Thomlinson
General Manager
Trustworthy Computing Security
Un saludo.